Social Buddies – Level 1

Social Buddies – Level 1 is designed to help children aged 6-8 develop essential social skills in a friendly and supportive environment. Over a 12-week period, this program focuses on goals like parallel and interactive play, initiating and returning greetings, asking for items from peers, turn-taking, sharing, and participating in group activities.

The Social Buddies program emphasizes practical skill-building in social interactions, making it fun and engaging for children. Caregivers will also benefit from insights and strategies to support their child’s social development at home. The program offers a safe and nurturing setting where kids can learn and grow together.d caregivers.

Program Details:

  • Start Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2024
  • End Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2024
  • Ages: 6-8 yrs
  • Duration: 12-week program
  • Frequency: Once a week on Tuesdays
  • Time: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
  • Format: In-person group sessions
  • Location: 1870 Birchmount Road, Scarborough
  • Language: All sessions will be conducted in English


  • Children who can independently request from adults (using verbal or augmented communication)
  • Basic group readiness skills (can sit appropriately and remain in a group without direct support, can attend to the teacher and follow 1-step group instructions)
  • Does not cause harm to themselves or to others

What to Expect:

  • Children will engage in parallel and interactive play, learn to initiate and return greetings, ask for items, take turns, share, and join group activities.
  • A friendly and encouraging environment where children can make new friends and practice social skills.
  • Supportive guidance for caregivers to help their child continue developing social skills at home.

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